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The Symbol of Faith
The Seven Ecumenical Councils
The New Testament
Greek original with Patristic Commentary,
Greek original alone,
Greek original with English translation or with Russian translationSeptuagint on line (Church of Greece), and in many versions
New and Old Testament studies * Learning Greek (alphabet and pronunciation, an outline of Greek grammar, starting to learn Greek from Homer; various on-line resources - dictionaries, grammars, essays etc)
Creeds from the Bible * The Apostles Creed * Nicene Creed (325 AD) * The Definition of Chalcedon (451 AD) * Athanasian Creed * Γεώργιος Φραντζῆς, Τὸ Σύμβολο τῆς Πίστεως καὶ ἡ Βίβλος
Canons of the Council of Orange (529 AD) * Anathemas of the 2nd Council of Constantinople (533 AD) * Later Creeds and Statements - [Testimonia Neglected by the Seventh Ecumenical Council, by P. Christou]
Clement of Rome, Mathetes to Diognetus, Polycarp, Ignatius, Barnabas, Papias, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus * Πρὸς Διόγνητον (ἀπόσπασμα): Χριστιανῶν Βίος * Diognetus (excerpt): The Christian Way
Didache * Hermas, Tatian, Theophilus, Athenagoras, Clement of Alexandria * Κλήμης Ἀλεξανδρεύς: Ὢ τοῦ τελείου παιδίου * Clement of Alexandria: O the perfect child! * Ἀνθολογία Μακάριου (χωρὶς μετάφραση) * Μακάριος ὁ Μέγας: νενικημένος τῷ οὐρανίῳ ἔρωτι * St. Makarius the Great: Overcome by Heavenly Love * Macarius select resources * Cyril of Alexandria
St. Basil the Great
Δύο λόγοι για τη νηστεία * Ἀνθολογία (χωρὶς μετάφραση) * Letters and Select Works * Liturgy * On the Holy Spirit * Hexaemeron * Letters * Address to Young Men on the Right Use of Greek Literature * Τῆς θεότητος αὐτοῦ τὴν μεγαλωσύνην δοξολογοῦντες * Αἰῶνα μιμεῖται τῇ ὁμοιότητι * Ἀδίδακτος ἡ πρὸς τὸν Θεὸν ἀγάπη * Ἐν ἡσυχίᾳ τὸν νοῦν ἔχειν πειρᾶσθαι * Τὰ δὲ παρόντα σοι πόθεν; * Μέγιστος πάντων ἀγώνων * Μὴ ζητεῖν τινα φύσιν ἔρημον ποιοτήτων * Glorifying the greatness of His deity * A likeness of eternity * Love can not be taught * We must strive after a quiet mind * Where did you find your property? * Education is necessary * Do not search for a substance without qualities - [L'Enseignement de Saint Basile sur le Saint-Esprit, by P. Christou] * St. Basil select resources
St. Gregory of Nyssa
Ἀνθολογία (χωρὶς μετάφραση) * Περὶ ψυχῆς καὶ ἀναστάσεως * Dogmatic Treatises; Select Writings and Letters * Life of St. Macrina * Περὶ κατασκευῆς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου * Τὸ μυστήριον τοῦ Σταυροῦ * Ἀεὶ ἐν ἡμῖν Χριστὸς γεννᾶται * Πάντα τοῦ καλοῦ μετέχει * Ἐν ἀρετῇ γενήσεται πᾶν τὸ ἐλεύθερον * The Making of Man * The Mystery of the Cross * Christ is always born in our soul * Everything shares in the Beautiful * Everything that is free will be united with virtue * St. Gregory of Nyssa select resources
St. Gregory Theologian
Λόγος λα΄ Περί του Αγίου Πνεύματος * Ἀνθολογία (χωρὶς μετάφραση) * Select works * Oration 4: First Invective Against Julian * Oration 5: Second Invective Against Julian * Θεὸς Θεοῖς ἑνούμενος * Πᾶς ἔστω σοι βαπτίσματος καιρός * Ἀρχαὶ θεολογίας * Παίδευσιν τῶν παρ΄ ἡμῖν ἀγαθῶν εἶναι τὸ πρῶτον * Μονὰς μέχρι τριάδος ἔστη * God with Gods is being united * God is a God of the present * Principles of theology * Education is the highest good * Unity found its rest in Trinity - [Β. Τατάκης, Γρηγόριος ὁ Θεολόγος (pdf)] * St. Gregory the Theologian select resources
St. Symeon the New Theologian
Πλήρη ἔργα (ἔγγραφα MS Word) * Ὕμνοι Θείων Ἐρώτων (στὰ νέα ἑλληνικά, ἀνθολογία) * Ἀνθολογία (χωρὶς μετάφραση) * Κατηχήσεις * Αρπαγή στο Φώς (22ος Κατηχητικός) * Ευχαριστία προς τον Θεόν * Ο Λόγος σαρξ εγένετο * Ευχή Μυστική * Βίβλος των Θεολογικών * Βίβλος των Ηθικών * Excerpts in English * Πότε ἡ ἡμέρα Κυρίου ἐλεύσεται; * Γινόμενος ἀφανής καί αἴφνης φαινόμενος * Ἁγία Κοινωνία * Μή εἰς ἀπόγνωσιν ἐμβάλῃς σεαυτόν * When shall the Day of the Lord come? * Becoming invisible and suddenly appearing * Holy Communion * Don't put yourself in despair * St. Symeon select resources
St. Athanasius the Great
Ἀνθολογία (χωρὶς μετάφραση) * Κατὰ εἰδώλων * Περὶ ἐνανθρωπήσεως * Select Writings and Letters * θεραπεῦσαι καὶ διδάξαι τοὺς πάσχοντας * To cure and teach the suffering - [Uncreated and Created, Unbegotten and Begotten in the Theology of Athanasius of Alexandria, by P. Christou] * St. Athanasius select resources
St. Maximus Confessor
Διάφορα ἔργα (html) * Πλήρη ἔργα (ἔγγραφα MS Word) * Ἀνθολογία (χωρὶς μετάφραση) * Νόησίς ἐστιν ὁ Θεός * Ἐμέρισε σοφῶς τοὺς αἰώνας * Τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον οὐδενὸς ἄπεστι τῶν ὄντων * Καθαροῦ νοὸς διδάσκαλοι * God is Thinking * He divided wisely the ages * Nothing is empty of the Holy Spirit * Teachers of the clean mind * Selections from the Chapters on Knowledge - [Ο άνθρωπος στο άπειρο της αϊδιότητος - Maximos Confessor on the Infinity Of Man, by P. Christou] * St. Maximus select resources
Romanos Melodos
Ὁ Ἀκάθιστος ὕμνος (κριτικὴ ἔκδοση) * Akathist hymn: introduction & an English translation * Excerpts
St. Peter Damascene
Πῶς κτᾶταί τις τὴν ἀληθῆ πίστιν; * What is true faith?
Dionysius the Areopagite
Ἀνθολογία (χωρὶς μετάφραση) * Works (translated) and studies * Letters (translated) * Σμικρὸν περιληπτικὸν πάντων, Ταὐτὸν ὑπερουσίως ἀΐδιον * All-comprehending Smallness and Super-essential Identity
Ἀνθολογία (χωρὶς μετάφραση) * On Prayer * Works * On the Gospel of John * On Matthew * On the First Principles * Against Celsus * Hexapla * Ἑκάστῳ ἡμῶν ταῦτα γενέσθαι μυστικῶς δεῖ * Αἴσθησιν θείαν εὑρήσεις * Ἀδιαλείπτως προσεύχεσθαι * These things must happen to each of us mystically * You will find a divine perception * Let our whole life be a life of prayer
St. Nicholas Cabasilas
Εις την Υπερένδοξον της Υπεραγίας Δεσποίνης ημών Θεοτόκου Γέννησιν * Εις τον Ευαγγελισμόν της Υπεραγίας Δεσποίνης ημών και Αειπαρθένου Μαρίας * Ὁ νέος Ἀδὰμ ἀρχέτυπον τοῦ παλαιοῦ * The old and the new Adam
St. John Chrysostom
Η Θεία Λειτουργία και η Ακολουθία της Ιεράς Προθέσεως - [Η θεία Λειτουργία ως θεολογική Λειτουργία, τοῦ Β. Γοντικάκη] * On the Priesthood, Ascetic Treatises, Select Homilies and Letters, Homilies on the Statutes * Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew * Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistle to the Romans * Homilies on First and Second Corinthians * Homilies on the Epistles to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon * Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews
St. John of Damascus
Ἔκδοσις ἀκριβὴς τῆς ὀρθοδόξου πίστεως * Works * An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith - [Ο άγ. Ιωάννης Δαμασκηνός περί της Παναγίας Θεοτόκου, τοῦ Ἀ. Γιέφτιτς]
St. Gregory Palamas
Συγκαλῶν πρὸς αὑτὸν τὰ πάντα * Calling everything near Him * [The Teaching of Gregory Palamas on Man & Double Knowledge According to Gregory Palamas, by P. Christou] * Palamas select resources
Manuel II Palaeologus
Βασιλέως ἀρετή * The Virtue of a King * Manuel Palaeologus select resources
Gennadius Scholarius
Παντὸς ἀγαθοῦ λόγοι μόνοι πατέρες * Words are the fathers of all Good
Theodoros Stouditis, Εγκωμιαστικοί Λόγοι εις τον ΄Αγιον Ιωάννην τον Πρόδρομον και Βαπτιστήν
Ἀποφθέγματα τῶν Πατέρων τῆς ἐρήμου (ἀνθολογία, χωρὶς μετάφραση) * Ἀποφθέγματα τῶν Πατέρων (ἀνθολογία, μετάφραση στὰ νέα ἑλληνικά) * Roots of Asceticism - [The Monastic Life in the Eastern Orthodox Church, by P. Christou]
St. Photius the Great: Bibliotheca or Myriobiblos
St. Nectarius, Υιός Ανθρώπου
Eusebius: Church History from A.D. 1-324, Life of Constantine the Great, Oration in Praise of Constantine * Demonstratio Evangelica * Praeparatio Evangelica * Encomium on the Martyrs * The History of the Martyrs in Palestine * Theophania
Socrates: Church History from A.D. 305-438; Sozomenus: Church History from A.D. 323-425 * Evagrius Scholasticus: Ecclesiastical History * John of Ephesus: Ecclesiastical History, Third Part * Cosmas Indicopleustes: The Christian Topography
Ύμνοι της Αναστάσεως, Κείμενο, μετάφραση, σχόλια Ἀνθίμου Ἀλεξανδρουπόλεως
Προσευχητάρι: Προοιμιακή Προσευχή, Ακολουθία του ΄Ορθρου, Ακολουθία της Ενάτης ΄Ωρας, Ακολουθία του Eσπερινού, Aκολουθία του Αποδείπνου, Ακολουθία του Μικρού Παρακλητικού Κανόνος εις την Υπεραγίαν Θεοτόκον, Ακολουθία του Μεγάλου Παρακλητικού Κανόνος εις την Υπεραγίαν Θεοτόκον, Στιχηρά, Καθίσματα, Απολυτίκια δι' εκάστην ημέραν της εβδομάδος
Orthodox Prayer Book: The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom * Akathist to our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ * Akathist to our Most Holy Lady Mother of God * Canon of Preparation for Holy Communion * Preparatory Prayers for Holy Communion * Thanksgiving After Holy Communion * Morning Prayers * Prayers During the Day * Prayers Before Sleep * Selections From Vespers * Selections From Matins * Daily Troparia and Kontakia * Sunday Troparia and Kontakia * Troparia and Kontakia of the Feasts of the Lord and the Mother of God * Troparia, Kontakia, Prayers and Stichira from the Lenten Triodion * Passion Week Troparia * Pascha * Troparia and Kontakia of Easter Period and Pentecostarion * Canon to our Lord Jesus Christ * Canon to the Most Holy Mother of God * Canon to the Guardian Angel * Canon of Repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ * The Tale of The Five Prayers * The Order for Reading Canons and Akathists when Alone * Concerning the Jesus Prayer - Ceaslov * Psaltirea * Rânduiala Ceasurilor Sfintelor Paşti * Rânduiala Ceasurilor Care Se Cântă În Ajunul Naşterii Domnului Nostru Iisus Hristos
Moine Macaire, Le Synaxaire (excerpt)
Μυστικοὶ τῆς Ὀρθόδοξης Ἐκκλησίας
(Ἀνθολογία τῶν Ἑλλήνων Πατέρων, χωρὶς μετάφραση)
Hippolytus; Cyprian; Caius; Novatian * Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dionysius the Great; Julius Africanus; Anatolius and Minor Writers; Methodius; Arnobius
Cyril of Jerusalem * Sulpitius Severus, Vincent of Lerins, John Cassian
Hilary of Poitiers * Theodoret, Jerome and Gennadius, Rufinus and Jerome * Jerome: Letters and Select Works
Meister Eckhart
Select works in English and German
Confessions, Letters * The City of God, Christian Doctrine * On the Holy Trinity, Doctrinal Treatises, Moral Treatises * The Anti-Manichaean Writings, The Anti-Donatist Writings * Anti-Pelagian Writings * Sermon on the Mount, Harmony of the Gospels, Homilies on the Gospels * Homilies on the Gospel of John, Homilies on the First Epistle of John, Soliloquies * Expositions on the Psalms
Ambrose of Milan
Select Works and Letters * Περί του Μυστηρίου της Ενσαρκώσεως του Κυρίου
Leo the Great, Gregory the Great * Gregory the Great II, Ephraem Syrus, Aphrahat
Thousands of Greek Original Texts Οn-line and in
Βοηθήματα Καινῆς Διαθήκης / New Testament studies
Ray Register, The Language of the New Testament
Ioannis D. Karavidopoulos, Νέες κατευθύνσεις στὴ βιβλικὴ ἑρμηνευτική * Εἰσαγωγικὰ περὶ τῶν Ἀποκρύφων * The Interpretation of the New Testament in the Orthodox Church * Peter in the New Testament Church
Elias V. Oiconomou, Authorities and Citizens in John's Book of Revelation * Bibel und Bibelwissenschaft in der orthodoxen Kirche
Christos Sp. Voulgaris, 2 Cor, 5:16 and the problem of st. Paul’s opponents in Corinth * The Sacrament of Priesthood in Holy Scripture
Felix Just, Symbols of the Four Evangelists
Daniel B. Wallace, The Relation of "θεόπνευστος" to "γραφή" in 2 Timothy 3:16
Περί ταυτίσεως Κεφαλληνίας - Μελίτης
Βοηθήματα Παλαιᾶς Διαθήκης / Old Testament studies
R. Stergiou, The Old Testament in the Orthodox Church
The Greek Old Testament
A. Vander Heeren, Septuagint Version
Septuagint Studies
Joel Kalvesmaki, All Scripture Is Inspired by God. . . - Thoughts on the Old Testament Canon * Fr. John Mack, The Old Testament: an Examination
Bishop Alexander (Mileant), The Historical Books of the Old Testament