On English texts section:
Τhe Sayings
On French texts section:
Les Apophtegmes
Biographical Note
Born in Constantinople in 1897, she came in Athens in 1923 and worked as a nurse in Psychiatric Clinic. In 1937 she went to England and studied Chiropody. In 1945 she returned to Greece and was made a Head of the School for Domestic Science. In 1955 she went to India. She worked at the Madras Leprosy Hospital, and to the Adult Blind Centre among others. Later, she went to Bethany to be a nun. She finally returned to Greece. She died in 1978 on Leros island .
- See the book “The Ascetic of Love”, full of her words, apophtegms, letters etc.
- Mother Gabriel speaking On Mitilini Holy Archdiocese’s webpage