Athanase Jevtic, (former Metropolitan of Zahumlje and Hercegovina)

See on section Patrology/Resources:
• St. John of Damascus on Panagia Theotokos
in Greek
• The Environment and the Person
in Greek
Ο Μηδενισμός του Ανθρώπου
Also, on section Theology
Η αγάπη ως θεμέλιο της γνώσης (in Greek)
Shortly, by the same author:
• Liturgy and Spirituality
• Millieux and Personality in Dostojevsky’s work
He was born in 1938 in Serbia. He studied Theology in Belgrade, Paris and Athens. He was Prof. at Paris, Prof. and Rector of the Theological School at Belgrade. He is now Vicar Bishop of Hvostno.
His main work is Théologie ascétique, (in French) 1986.
Related links:
Bishop Athanase Jevtic on Kosovo (in French)
More pictures:
Bishop Athanase Jevtic in a conference on St Nicolas (Velimirovic), in Paris, Institut Saint-Serge.