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 Christos Sp. Voulgaris

The Biblical and Patristic Doctrine of the Trinity

From: The Greek Orthodox Theological Review, vol. 37 (Νov.) 3-4, Holy Cross Orthodox Press, Brookline, Mass., 1992.

3. The New Testament

       In considering the New Testament evidence, scholars usually confine themselves to the so-called Trinitarian formulas.  This procedure, however, does not give a full account and a clear picture of the revelation that runs throughout the New Testament, even when all three Persons of the Holy Trinity are not mentioned.  Indeed, it is the distinctive factual mark of the New Testament revelation that when one person is mentioned, the other two are implied, since, as previously noted, each Person’s peculiar quality is understood in the reality of His relationship with the other two Persons, and so with their existence.  Therefore, the best way to study the New Testament evidence about the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is to present the peculiar, personal quality of each person separately.