Milton V. Anastos
Constantinople and Rome
A Survey of the Relations between the Byzantine and the Roman Churches.
M. Anastos, Aspects of the Mind of Byzantium (Political Theory, Theology, and Ecclesiastical Relations with the See of Rome), Ashgate Publications, Variorum Collected Studies Series, 2001. ISBN: 0 86078 840 7.

Ivory diptych with personification of Rome and Constantinople,
5th c., Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum
- Introduction: Byzantium and Rome in 1438
- The dogma of papal supremacy based on Matthew 16.18-19 and the Byzantine attitude towards the Roman traditions about Peter.
- The papal primacy and the question of Peter's visit to Rome.
- The legend of the founding of the Church of Constantinople by Andrew, "the first-called of the Apostles" (John 1 37-42)
- The canons of the Council of Sardica (343) and the papal claim to universal jurisdiction over the Church.
- The rise of the see of Constantinople and the origin of the conflict between Constantinople and Rome in 381 and 451.
- The Acacian schism (484-519) and Pope Gelasius Ι (492-96)
- Roman primacy of jurisdiction
- The doctrine of the two powers
- Justinian Ι and his relations with Rome
- Liquidation of the Αcacian schism
- Agapetus and Anthimus
- Silverius and Vigilius: Justinian's dictatorial methods in imposing his will in theological matters upon the entire Church, including Rome
- The significance of Justinian's letter to Pope John II in 533
- Capitulation of Pope Pelagius Ι, and the Roman position towards the Fifth Oecumenical Council
- The dispute concerning the title "Oecumenical Patriarch"
- The arrest of Pope Martin Ι in 653 and the condemnation of Pope Honorius Ι by the Sixth Oecumenical Council (680-81)
- The Constantinopolitan Council in Trullo (692)
- The iconoclastic controversy, the fall of Ravenna, and the beginnings of the papal state.
- The "Donation of Constantine"
- Charlemagne and the title "Emperor of the Romans"
- Relevance of the Arab conquests.
- The Patriarch Photius and his disputes with Rome
- Photius, the Constantinopolitan Council of 861, and the Byzantine position regarding appeals to Rome
- Emperor Leo VI's fourth marriage
- Addendum
- The Normans and the schism of 1054
- The Fourth Crusade and the sack of Constantinople in 1204
- The theory of the pentarchy and Byzantine arguments against the Roman primacy
- The pentarchy
- Byzantine arguments against the Roman primacy
- Primacy of the see of Constantinople
- Differences between the primacy of Constantinople and that of Rome.
- The attempts to unite the two Churches
- Lyon, 1274
- Ferrara-Florence, 1438-39
- The popes and temporal power: Summary and epilogue.