On Line Library of the Church of Greece |
Walter Berschin Valuation
and Knowledge of Greek From:
Greek Letters and the Latin Middle Ages. From Jerome to Nicholas of Cusa
Ekkehart IV, Casus S.
Galli, c
94, ed. G.Meyer von Κnοnau (St.Gall 1877), p. 344; ed. Η.F.
Haefele (Darmstadt 1980), p. 194. 2.
Bischoff, "The Study of Foreign Languages in the Middle Ages," Mtttelalterliche
Studien, ΙΙ, 227-245. 3.
Apc 1, 8; 21
6; 22, 13. 4.
Hilarius of Poitiers, Prologus in
librum psalmorum 15; Migne PL
9, col. 241. Cf.Αugustine, Ennarationes
in psalmos LVIII 1, 1 and In
Iohannis evangelium trαctatus CXVII
4. 5.
Prudentius, Apotheosis vv.
381-85. 6.
Isidore, Etymologiae ΙΧ 1, 3;
οn this point see also Borst, Der
Turmbau, ΙΙ/1, 454. 7.
Allgeier in Biblicα 24 (1943),
282. 8.
R. Ε. McNally, "The 'Tres linguae sacrae' in Early Irish Bible
Exegesis," Theological Studies
19 (New York 1958), 395-403. 9.
On Andrew of St.Victor, see Smalley, The
Study of the Bible, pp. 112 ff. 10.
Cf. Pertusi in Atti del Convegno di
Studi "Dante e lα cultura
veneta" (1966). Dante knew that Gregory the Great had occupied
himself with Dionysius' theory of angels; since the great author-pope had
a different conception of the hierarchy of angels than did Dionysiιιs,
Dante depicted him sympathetically as the saint [der
Selige] who "had to
smile at himself, as soon as he opened his eyes in this heaven": Ε
Dionisio con tanto disio a
contemplar questi ordini si mise che
li nomò e distinse com'io. Μa
Gregorio da lui poi si divise onde,
si tosto come li occhi aperse in
questo ciel, di sè medesmo rise. Divina
Commedia, Paradiso
ΧXVIII 130-35 On
Dante's quotations from Aristotle and Ptolemy, see Groppi, Dante
traduttore, pp.48-92. 11.
The transition from Greek to Latin as the liturgical language is discιιssed
by Τ. Κlauser in Miscellanea G.
Mercati (Rome 1946), Ι, 467-82, and J. Α. Jungmann, Missarum
Sollemnia, 5th ed.
(Vienna/Freiburg/Basel 1962), Ι, 65 (bibliog.). Caspari's excursus "Über
den gottesdienstlichen Gebrauch des Griechischen im Abendlande während
des früheren Mittelalters" is still the fundamental study of the
subject; in Quellen zur Ceschichte
des Tauf symbols (1875). Brou briefly lists the liturgical Graeca in
Sacris Erudiri 1 (1948) and 4
(1952). 12.
On the liturgical Kyrie eleison, see
Jungmann, Missarum Solemnia, I,
430 ff. 13.
Cf. the article "Trisagion" in Riemann, Musiklexikon,
Sachteil, 12th ed. (Mainz
1967). p. 987 (bibliog.). "Trisagion"
in the Greek liturgy is treated by H.J. Schultz, Die
byzantinische Liturgie (Freiburg 1964), pp. 46 ff. 14.
Caspari, "Über den gottesdiestlichen Gebrauch,"
pp.466 ff. J. Brinktrine, Die
feierliche Papstmesse und die Zeremonien bei Selig -und Heiligsprechungen (Freiburg
1925), pp. 14 ff. 15.
Sacramentarium Fuldense, Universitätsbibliothek
Göttingen, cod. theol. 231; ed. by A. Richter and A. Schönfelder (Fulda
1912), p. 339. 16.
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana Z 52 sup., according to Caspari, p. 483, n.
18. 17.
Cf. G. Iversen, Tropes de l' Agnus
Dei, Corpus Troporum 4 (Stockholm 1980), pp. 30, 59 ff., 293 f. and
pls. 1-4; C.M. Atkinson, " 'O amnos tu theu': The Greek Agnus dei in
the Roman Liturgy from the Eighth to the Eleventh Century," Kirchenmusikalisches
Jahrbuch 65 (1981), 7-30. 18.
In the Latin liturgy for 6 January, there are two such Hodie
antiphons, translated from Greek (or composed in CΗΜΕΡΟΝ
style), which function as synopses of the ancient threefold significance
of the Eriphany: Ad
Magnificat antiphona:
Tribus miraculis ornatum diem sanctum colinus
hodie stella magos duxit ad praesepium
hodie vinum ex aqua factum est ad nuptias hodie
a Ioanne Christus baptizari voluit ut
salvaret nos. [We
honor the holy day, adorned by three miracles; today the star led the Magi
to the manger; today water was turned into wine at the wedding; today
Christ wished to be baptized by John, that we might be saved.] While
the Magnificat antiphon
enumerates the three the three mysreries commemorated on this day in the
form of a three-tiered illumination, the Benedictus
unites the three motifs in a new "typological"
interpretation. Through its magnificent rhythms, thiw antiphon also
produced a new linguistic harmony: Ad
Benedictus antiphona:
Hodie caelesti sponso iuncta est ecclesia
quoniam in Iordane lavit Christus eius crimina
currunt cum muneribus
magi ad regales nuptias
et ex aqua facto vino laetantur convivae. [Today
the church is united with the heavenly bridegroom because Christ washed
away its sins in the Jordan; the Magi hasten with gifts to the regal
wedding; and the guests rejoice in the water made wine.] Cf.
Hesbert, Corpus Antiphonalium
Officii, III, nos. 5184 and 3095; Baumstark, in Die
Kirchenmusik 10 (1909), 153-60, and Oriens
Christianus III/11 (1936), 163 ff.; Wellesz, Eastern
Elements, pp. 141-49; W, Nyssen, tribus miraculis (privately printed,
Cologne 1971). 19.
Manchester, John Rylands Library Pap. 470; still described as a
"Christian prayer" by C.H.Roberts, Catalogue
of the Greek and Latin Papyri in the John Rylands Library (Manchester
1938), III, no. 470, pp. 46 f.; identified by F. Mercenier,
"L'antienne Mariale Grecque la plus ancienne," Le
Muséon 52 (1939), 229-35. A
more recent bibliography in Barré, Prières
anciennes, p.20. Cf.
Hesbert, Corpus Antiphonalium
Officii, III, no. 5041. On the Madonna of Mercy, see C. Belting-Ihm,
"Sub matris tutela,"
Abh. Heidelberg
(1976). 20.
A.-G. Martimort, "Origine et signification de l' alléluia de la
messe romaine, " Kyriakon, Festschrift
Hohannes Quasten (Münster 1970), II, 811-34. 21.
Hesbert, Corpus Antiphonalium
Officii, IV, no 6444, -L.Brou, "L'alléluia gréco-latin 'Dies
sanctificatus,' " Revue Grégorienne
23 (1938) and 24 (1939), passim. Wellesz,
Eastern Elements, pp. 36-44. 22.
On the Latin translation of the Hymnos
Akathistos, see Chapter VIII under St. Denis. On the Grates
nunc omnes as a contrafactum of a stanza by Romanos Melodos see H. Spanke,
"Aus der Vorgeschichte und Frühgeschichte
der Sequenz,"Zeitschrift für
deutsches Altertum 71 (1934),
1-39, here p. 23. See Chapter ΧΙ concerning Greek in the Beneventan
liturgy. 23.
XLI," Μ. Andrieu, Les Ordines
Romani du Haut Moyen Age (Louvain
1956), IV, 319 f. (he proposes a Celtic origin for the rite). 24.
Migne PL 131 cols. 850 f 25.
F. Dornseiff, Das Alphabet
in Mystik und Magie, 2nd ed. (Leipzig/Berlin 1925), esp. pp. 19f. and
74 f. 26.
Plato latinus, IV, 28, line 12.
C. Vogel and R. Elze, Le Pontificαl
du Xe
siècle (Rome 1963), Ι,
136. 28.
Ostrogorsky, in ΒΖ 46
(1953), 157 (rev. of Ohnsorge, Dαs
Zweikaiserproblem). 29.
Registrum Gregorii
ΙΙΙ 63, MGH Epistolαe Ι,
225. 30.
Nicholas Ι, epist. 88 (to
Emperor Michael ΙΙΙ, in 865), ed. Ε. Perels, MGH
Epistolae, VI, 459 f. According to Perels, Anastasius Bibliothecarius
was the pope's secretary: Papst
Nikolaus Ι. und Anastasius
Bibliothecarius (Berlin 1920),
pp. 248 f and 307. 31.
Classen, in Kαrl der Große, Ι,
606. Beck, Kirche und theologische
Literatur, pp. 306 ff.; his summary of the history of the filioque
dispute is brief and informative. 32.
"Tercia ordinacio est quod quicunque plus quam unum filium habuerit,
alterum ad scolas ponere teneatur, latinis litteris imbuendum; et nisi
quod littera greca una de princip(al)ibus tribus extat, quibus tripliciter
crucifixi domini nostri titulus est inscriptus, consulerem salubriter,
prout estimo, et prudenter ut omnino illa littera deleretur."
"Brocardus," Directorium
ad passagium faciendum, Recueil
des Historiens des Croisades. Documents Arméniens (Paris 1906), ΙΙ,
471. According
to the editors, the author was the archbishop of the Dominican Mission,
William Adam, who also wrote the scarcely less chauvinistic and malicious De
modo Sarracenos extirpandi (1316/18).
Οn the author, see T. Kaeppeli,
Scriptores Ordines Praedicatorum
Medii Aevi (Rome 1975) ΙΙ 81 f. 33.
Isidore, Etymologiae Ι 3, 8-9.
See below, Chapter VI, sec. 2. Οn the symbol Υ, see W. Harms, Homo
viator in bivio. Studien zur
Bildlichkeit des Weges (Munich 1970). 34.
Cf. the comprehensive eight-page primer which Johann Froben printed for
his son Johann Erasmus Froben (Basel 1516): ALPHABETUM
GRAECUM. Orαtio dominica,
Salutatio, Symbolum Apostolorum, Christi Seruatoris
apud Matthaeum evangeliographum decreta, cum hoc genus aliis, Graece et
latine. In usum inventutis Graecarum adyta literarum subingressurae, with
the father's beautiful preface (again repr. in A.
Horawitz, "Beiträge zur Geschichte des Griechischen in
Deutschland," Berliner Studien
für classische Philologie und
Archaeologie 1 [1884], 440). Numerous Alphabeta
Graeca of the sixteenth century are mentioned by Wilhelm Meyer, Henricus
Stephanus und die Regii Typi
Graeci, Abh. Göttingen (1902). 35.
Bischoff, Mittelalterliche Studien,
ΙΙ, 255 ff. 36.
L. Traube, Nomina Sacra. Versuch
einer Geschichte der christlichen Kürzung (Munich
1907), pp. 161-64. W. Μ. Lindsay, Notae
Lαtinae (Cambridge 1915), p. 403. Concerning such Grecistic
formulations, οn the analogy of IHC and XPC , as spc
and epc (spiritus, episcopus),
see Traube, p. 166, and D. Bains, Α
Supplement to Notae Latinae (Cambridge
1938), pp. 6 f. 37.
Α representative example of
writing Western names in Greek script is found in the docυment Wolfenbüttel,
Niedersächsisches Staatsarchiv 6 Urk. 10, a copy from the high Middle
Ages of a papyrus document of Pope John ΧΙΙ from 968, which the abbess
from the Ottonian dynastic house had the pope issue to her as
ΓΗΡΒΗΡΓE uenerαbili
abbatisse. A facsimile in
the exhibition catalogue Die
Heiratsurkunde der Kaiserin Theophanu,
p. 18. 38.
Α famous Western scribal inscription in Greek script is Ο ΚΥΡΙC
(the last word emended) in the "Codex Amiatinus," Florence,
Biblioteca Laurenziana Amiat. 1,
fol 86v;
facsimile in Κ. Zangemeister and W.Wattenbach, Exempla
codicum latinorum litteris maiusculis scriptorum
(Heidelberg 1876), pl. 35. Οn the much-discussed CEΡΒΑΝΔOC
= Servandus, see most recently
Ε. A.
English Uncial (Oxford 1960),
pp. 10 ff. 39.
Codex Messina, Biblioteca Universitaria gr. 112, saec. XIV,
the Gospel of Mark is written in Sicilian dialect, with the Greek
alphabet; cf. C.Tagliavini, Le
origine delle lingue neolatine, 6th ed. (Bologna 1972), pp. 517 ff.
(bibliog.). Reference from Helmut Berschin. 40.
For examples of Greek quire signatures in Latin manuscripts of various
periods, see: the "Codex Theodosianus," Vat. Reg. lat. 886 saec.
VI (CLA, I 110); the two oldest
manuscripts of John Scottus' ΠΕΡΙ
ΜΕΡΙCΜΟΥ, Reims 875 and Bamberg Philos. 2/1 [H.J. IV. 5], both
saec. IX; the homilary Karlsruhe Aug. XVI,
Reichenau saec. X1(A.Holder,
Die Reichenauer Handschriften [Leibzig
1906], I, 46), whose quires probably received their Greek signatures on
the model of the bilingual "Codex Paulinus Augiensis" (cf. M.R.
James, The Western Manuscripts in
the Library of Trinity College [Cambridge 1900], I 35); the
Augustinian manuscript Orléans 163 (140) from Fleury, saec. XI
(Catalogue Général, Départements
[Paris 1889], 77). 41.
Certainly too much significance is given the dedication rite when
Dornseiff (Das Alphbet in Mystik
und Magie, p. 74, n.2) remarks: "At various times during the
Middle Ages, this prescription prevented the Greek alphabet from being
forgotten in the West." On the epistola
formata, see Chapter IV. 42.
Traube, MGH Poetae, III, 822
ff., and Bischoff, Mittelalteriche
Studien, II, 253 ff., have collected the scattered traces of the Greek
minuscule in the West up to the
High Middle Ages. Addenda to that list are: a Greek minuscule alphabet of
the eleventh century in the Pidmont school manuscript Milan, Bibl.
Ambrosiana M 79 sup., fol. 26r, and the most prominent example
of Greek minuscule at thiw period, the majestas
titulus of the "Codex Aureus Epternacensis" in the
Germanisches National museum, Nuremberg; see below, Chapter X, sec. 5. 43.
For this reason Bischoff also calls this ЭЄ "abendländisches
M." It also occurs bisected as Э or Є for N. On ЭЄ in England,
see Chapter VI. 44.
Cf. Isidore, Etymologiae I 19, De
figuris accentuum: "... ΔΑCΕΙΑ
quod interpretatur aspiratio, id est ybi H
littera poni debet, tali figura notatur ├ . ΨΙΛΗ
quod interpretatur siccitas sive purum, id est ubi H
littera wsse non debet, tali nota ostenditur ┤. Quorum duorum
accentuum figuram Latini
ex ipsa littera aspirationis [H]
fecerunt" ("... ΔΑCΕΙΑ,
which is understood as an aspiration. i.e., where one should place an H,
is marked by the symbol ├ . ΨΙΛΗ
which is understood
as simple or plain, i.e.., where no H
ought to be, is shown by the symbol ┤. The Latins derived the
symbols for the two accents from the letter of aspiration [H]")
According to Bischoff (Mittelalterliche
Studien, II, 256,├ occurs until the twelfth century. -It is open to
question whether the symbol Ŏ = ΟΥ).
Cf. B. Bischoff, Paläographie des
römischen Altertums und des abendländischen Mittekalters (Berlin
1979), p. 156. A very early example of Ŏ is found inh Abbeville, Bibliothèque
Municipale 4, fol. 102r, where the ligature, hoeever,
represents VO in QVONIAM
QVIDEM; W. Köhler, Die
karolingischen Miniaturen, vol. II:
Die Hofschule Karls des Großen (Berlin
1958), pl. 40. 45.
Pseudo- Philoxenus, ed. G.
Goetz and G. Gundermann, Corpus
Glossariorum Latinorum, II, 3-212, from Paris, BN lat.70651, saec. IX;
see pp. VII-XIX on this manuscript and the lost manuscript from St.
Germain. The "Greek" order of this glossary is noteworthy: A B G
D ... ( ~ Α
...). 46.
On the "Hermeneumata," see Goetz in his article "
Glossographie" in Pauly-Wissowa, Realencyclopädie,
VII/1, cols. 1437 f., and Marrou's very graphic presentation in Uistoire
de l'éducation, pp. 386 f. On the survival of the
"Hermeneumata" in the Middle Ages, see Bischoff, Mittelalteriche
Studien, II, 261. The dialogue passages of the
"Hermeneumata" were regularly leveled out to vocabulary lists by
the medieval tradition; cf. Corpus
Glossariorum, III 635-59: "Coloquia Quattuor emendata"
(bibliog.) The "Hermeneumata Vaticana," which unfold a colorful
vocabulary, conforming to the order of creation, had a Christian author (Corpus
Glossariorum, III, 421-38). According to Traube (in BZ
3 [1894], 604 ff.; repr. Vorlesungen
und Abhandlungen [Munich 1920], III, 205 ff.). thw author was
"ein Spätling, ein Bücherwurm ... ein Ire" ("a latecomer,
a bookworm ... an Irishman"). Yet his reasons for the attribution of
the work to the early Middle Ages and especially to an Irishman are weal. 47.
Bischoff, Mittelalterichen Studien,
II, 271 frf. 48.
A much discussed passage in Venantius Fortunatus gives a brief list of
such Greek rhetorica: "Nam
et reliqιιa
orationibus dialectici ... satagentes suis affectare syrmatibus soliti
sunt adsuere vel proferre"; Vita
S. Martini, Epistola ad
Gregorium, MGH Auctores
antiquissimi (1881), IV/1, 293. 49.
Cf. the impressive theological vocabulary of Greek origin which Nicolas du
Mortier collected and explained in his Etymologiαe
Sacrae Graeco-Latinae (Rome
1703). 50.
Cf Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch
(Munich 1967), Ι, s.v. "anthropus." 51.
Β. Schwineköper,
Der Handschuh im Recht,
Amterwesen, Brauch und Volksglαuben (Berlin
1938), pp. 13 f. 52.
Ο. Prinz., "Ζum Einfluß des Griechischen auf den Wortschatz des
Mittelalters," Festschrift
Bischoff, p. 3 and n.9 (bibliog.) 53.
J. Schneider, "Gesellschaft und Sprache im Spiegel des
mittellateinischen Wortschatzes," in V. Gortan and J. Schneider,
eds., Zum Nachleben
des Lateίnischen in der Feudalgesellschaft (Berlin 1969), pp.
17 f. 54.
Ο. Prinz, "Mittelalterliches im Wortschatz der Annalen Bertholds von
Reichenau," DA 30 (1974),
488-504, here p. 492. 55.
Cf. Ρ. Lehmann, "Mittelalterliche Büchertitel," in Erforschung
des Mittelalters (Stuttgart 1962), V, 1-93 passim. On
Polypticum, etc., see the
beginning of G. Roth's "Ρolyptychon
der Abtei des heiligen Remigius" (diss., Βοnn 1917). There is
no study which deals specifically with Greek book titles in the Middle
Ages. For the ancient period, see K.E.
Henrikson, Griechische Büchertitel
in der römischen Literatur (Helsinki
1956). 56.
One may refer to the appropriate articles of the Mittellateinisches
particular; in general, to the comprehensive new survey by Kahane in the
section "Sprache-Byzantinische Einflüsse
im Westen" of the article "Abendland und Byzanz" in Reallexikon
für Byzantinistik, Ι, cols. 345-498, esp. the "Katalog der
Byzantinismen," cols. 366 ff. 57.
Prinz., Festschrift
Bischoff, p.13. 58.
De differentiis et societatibus
graeci latinique verbi, ed. Η.
Keil, Grammatici Latini,
V. 595-655; cf. Bischoff; Mittelalterliche
Studien, ΙΙ, 259. Brunhölzl (Geschichte
der lateinischen
Literatur des
Mittelalters, p. 468)
ascribes the excerpt to John Scottus; the ascription is, however, only a
speculation (cf. Traube, "Ο Roma nobilis," p. 355). which must
still be proved. 59.
Macrobius remarks at the end of the section "De figuris" that
there were practically no prepositions in (classical) Latin which, when
linked to the verb, did not alter the meaning; on the other hand, a Greek
verb with a prepositional prefix often meant the same as the verb without
a prefix; ed. Keil,
Grammatici Latini, V, 601. The
tendency toward verbs with redundant prefixes (circιιm-ad-stare
in the old Canon Missae!)
is a well known development in the Latin of late antiquity and the Middle
Ages: does it reflect colloquial speech, or is it a Greek influence? 60.
Paris, ΒΝ lat. 528, fol. 134rv, ed. Η.
Omont, Bibliothèque de l'École
des Chartes 42 ... (1881),
126 f. The repository of the manuscript was St. Martial's in Limoges. Κ.
Neff (Die Gedichte des Paulus
Diaconus (Munich 1908], p. 58) conjectures that the text is evidence
for Ρaulus Diaconus' Greek instruction at the court of Charlemagne:
"Since the text is in accord
with a considerable number of Paulus' poems, specifically with those
which were written at Charlemagne's court, one can assιιme that its
source was Paulus and his teaching." Bischoff argues, on the contrary
(Mittelalterliche Studien, ΙΙ,
259): "Since the sole manuseript was written in St. Denis at the
beginning of the ninth century, one might well consider the Greeks who
were working for Hilduin to be its source." Which conjecture is the
more daring? 61.
From MS Laon 444, ed. Eckstein, Analecten
zur Geschichte der Pädagogik,
3-11; οn the sources and further dissemination of this so-called Greek
"grammatical primer" of the Irish, see Bischoff, Mittelαlterliche
Studien, ΙΙ, 259 f.and n. 76. 62.
From MS Vienna 114, ed. Krause, Jahrbuch
der Österreichischen Byzantinischen Gesellschaft 5 (1956), 8-15. 63.
W. Ο. Schmitt, "Lateinischer und griechischer 'Donatus,'"Philologus
123 (1979), 97-108. 64.
"Quoniam uero compertum tibi dixisti me grecas litteras absque
(ad)miniculo preceptoris adsecutum ... pandam tibi, quo pacto mediocrem
huiusce linque peritiam adeptus sum. Psalteriιιm habui grecum mihi per
religionis institutionem admodum familiare. Id igitur cum latino conferre
incepi atque notare [tum] singula tum uerba, tum nomina et reliquas
orationis partes, quidque singula significarent mandare memorie ac uim
uerborum omnium tenere, quantum fas erat. Ibi profectus inicium sumpsi.
Transiui deincepts ad euangelia, epistulas Pauli actusque apostolorum
hisque familiariter obversatus sum; habent enim satis magnam uerborum
copiam suntque omnia translata fideliter ac diligenter nec inconcinne. Postmodum
uero et gentilium libros uidere uolui, eosque [haud]
facile intellexi ..." (to
Francesco Coppola, podestà
and capitano in Bologna); ed. L. Bertalot, "Zwölf Briefe des
Ambrogio Traversari. "Römische
Quartalschrift 29 (1915), *91-*106, here edited by Sabbadini (Il
metodo degli umanisti, p.19), who emends the text drastically. And,
without consideration of Sabbadini's conjectures, the text appears again
in Bertalot's Studien zum
italienischen und deutschen Humanismus (Rome 1975), I, 262. 65.
The fame of having brought out the first printed catalogue of Greek
manuscripts (in fact the first printed catalogue of manuscripts of any
kind) belongw to the imperial city of Augsburg. The city council published
the Catalogus graecorum
manuscriptorum librorum Augustanae bibliothecae, compiled by Hironymus
Wolf, in 1575. 66.
See below, Chapter XI, n. 58. 67.
I. Stone, "Libraries of the Greek Monasteries in Southern
Italy," in J.W. Thompson, The
Medieval Library, 2nd ed. (New York 1957). pp. 330-37. Borsari,
Il Monachesimo bizantino nella
Sicilia e nell'Italia meridionale prenormanne, pp. 80-88. 68.
P. Canart, "Le livre grec en Italie méridionale sous les règnes
Normand et Souabe," Scrittura
e Civiltà 2 (1978), 103-62. G. Cavallo, La cultura italo-greca nella
produzione libraria," in I
bizantini in Italia, ed. B. Pugliese Carratelli (Milan 1982), pp.
497-612. 69.
Montfaucon, Palaeographia Graeca, pp.
214 f. In 1934 Bischoff rediscovered thw papyrus sheets which had
disappeared into the library of the British collector Thomas Phillipps;
cf. Bischoff, "Ein wiedergefundener Papyrus und die ältesten
Handschriften der Schule von Tours," Mittelalterliche
Studien, I, 6-16. After
further wanderings through private collections, the papyri are now in
Paris, BN suppl. gr. 1379. Cf.
P. Gasnault and J. Vezin, Documents
comptables de Saint-Martin de Tours à l'époque méerovingienne (Paris
1975), esp. pp. 20-22; "Les papyrus grecs" (rev. by F.
Magistrale, Studi Medievali III/19
[1978], 1071-74). 70.M.R.
James, A Descriptive Catalogue of
the Manuscripts in the Library of Corpus Christi College (Cambridge
1912) no. 183, pp. 439 f.; idem in The
Library IV/7 (1927), 339. Bischoff, Mittelalterichen
Studien, I, 209 (with new evidence). Perhaps
the now-fragmentary purple Psalter, written in gold and silver ink,
Zurich, Zentralbibliothek RP 1; cf. K. Preisendanz, "Reginbert von
der Reichenau," Neue
Heidelberger Jahrbücher (1952-53), 4 f. 72.
Paris, BN gr. 437; H. Omont, "Manuscript des œuvres de S. Denys l'
Aréopagite envoyé de Constantinople à Louis le Débonnaire," Revue
des Études Grecques 17 (1904),
230-36 (with plate). 73.
Wilhelmus Medicus brought the Dionysius manuscript BN gr. 933, from
Constantinople to Paris around 1167. In the high Middle Ages, the
evangelary BN gr.375, written around 1021 by a Greek in Cologne (?), also
came to St. Denis (cf. below, n. 77). In 1408 Emperor Manuel II, in memory
of his visit in 1401, had Manuel Chrysoloras present the monastery with a
magnificent manuscript of the Areopagite's works (Paris, Musée du Louvre
Ivoires A 53); cf. exhibition catalogue Byzance
et la France médiévale, no 51, pp. 32 f. St. Denis also preserved
the gamous papyrus letter of a Greek emperor from the ninth century (see
below, Chapter VII, n. 49). 74.
The "Codex Simeonis," Trier Domschatz no. 72 (143 F), a
Greek lectionary, "saec. X/XI mit lateinischen Beischriften, die
zeigen daß es mindestens schon saec. XIII im Abendland war"
("of the tenth/eleventh century"); with Latin annotations, which
show that it was already in the West by the thirteenth century");
Siegmund, Die Überlieferung, p.
29, n. 1. Yet R.M. Steininger (Codex
S.Simeonis [trier 1834], p. XII) believed, on the basis of a dated
entry, "circa finem saeculi XVI, codicem adhuc in Oriente
fuisse" (" that the codex was still in the East around the end
of the sixteenth century"). 75.
Vienna, theol. gr. 336. Siegmund (Die
Überlieferung, p. 29) mistakenly lists the codex bilingual. A
detailed evaluation in Beschreibendes
Verzeichnis der illuminierten Handschriften in Österreich, VIII/4; P.
Buberl and H. Gerstinger, Die
byzantinischen Hanschriften (Leipzig 1938), II, 35-38 Bibliog.) In
response to my inquiry, Professor Mazal
and Dr. Irblich confirm that ΓΕΡΕΩΝ
was not a
later addition (for the name of another warrior-saint), and that the title
page with the picture of St. Gereon was one of the original constituents
of the manuscript. 76.
The Greek Psalter Vat. Reg. gr. 13, which scholars have attributed to an
Irishman of the tenth century (Η. Stevenson, Codices
Manuscripti Graeci Reginae Svecorum, p. 9, and Schneider, in Biblica
30 [1949], 489-91), in fact turns out to be a Greek manuscript of a
provincial type, probably written in the West; it was also used by the
Latins by the twelfth century at the latest, but it is by no means an
Irish product. 77.
μοναχού σπιλεότου). Various
entries point to St.Denis as the repository, among them Odo
divina permissione abbas beati
Dinnysii in Francia and sanctus
dionysius in runic script! The manuscript has been described by
Montfaucon, Palαeogrαphia Graeca,
pp. 292 f., and Η. Omont, Fac-similés
des Manuscrits grecs datés de lα Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris
1890), pl. 14. Devreesse (Les
manuscrits grecs de l'Italie
33, n.g) considers the scribe to have been an Italo-Greek of the "Campanian
School" and wonders whether the identification of κάστρο
with Cologne
is necessary. Οn Italo-Greek ornamentation, see most recently Grabar, Les
manuscrits grecs, pp. 46 f. The manuscript has been at St. Denis since
the high Middle Ages. 78.
Μ.Α. James, The Western
Manuscripts in the Library of
Emmanuel College (Cambridqe 1904), pp. 133 ff. James' dating of the
manuscripts to the twelfth century is difficult to understand. 79.
Barbour, in The Bodleian Library
Record 6 (1958), 401 ff. 80.
James, "Greek Manuscripts in England before the Renaissance," The
Library IV/7 (1927), 337-53; Stephens, "Greek Manuscripts in
England during the Middle Ages," in The
Knowledge of Greek in England in the
Middle Ages (1933), pp. 118-30. 81.
Οn eight of the Latino-Greek Codices Virgiliani, see R.Seider,
"Beiträge zur Geschichte und Paläoqraphie der antiken
Vergilhandschriften," in Studien
zur antiken Epos, ed. Η. Görgemanns
and Ε. Α. Schmidt (Meisenheim 1976), pp. 129-72, esp. 157 ff. Also taken
into consideration are the editions which did not contain a running Vergil
text, but rather only excerpted and glossed words and lexical groups
bilingually. (Οn their significance in the history of education, see the
remarks of V. Reichmann, Römische
Literatur in griechischer Übersetzung
[Leipzig 1943]). The corresponding numbers in CLA
are: ΙΙ, 137 (Cambridge); ΙΙ, 227 and ΙΙΙ, 367 and Χ, p. 38
(Manchester, Milan, Cairo); ΙΙΙ, 290 (Florence); ΙΙΙ, 306 (Milan);
Χ, 1522 (Vienna); Χ, 1570 (Cairo); ΧΙ, 1651 (Ε1 Cerrito, Calif); ΧΙ,
1652 (New York). Α ninth Vergilius Latino-graecus from the Egyptian
Museum of the Berlin Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz is discussed by Η.
Maehler, "Zweisprachiger Aeneiscodex," Actes
du XVe concrès internαtional
de Pαpyroloqie (Brussels 1979), ΙΙ, 18-41 (bibliog.). Fragments of
two bilingual papyrus codices of Cicero in CLA,
ΙΙ, 224 and 226 (both Manchester). 82.
Ιn making this statement, one must take into account the Eastern Empire's
loss of Εgypt, which was the home of most Latino-Greek books of late
antiquity (cf. Bataille, "Les glossaires grécο-latins,"
de papyrologie 4
pp. 161 ff.). The southeastern corner of the Mediterranean basin retained
its multilingual character; see, for example, the fourteenth-century
pentaglott Psalter of the monastery of St. Macarius in the Desert of
Sketis, which combines texts
in Ethiopian, Syrian, Bohairic, Arabic, and Armenian, in five parallel
columns, into a genuinely pentecostal page format (now Rome, Biblioteca
Vaticana Barb. or. 2; facsimile in the exhibition catalogue Il
libro della Biblia [Rome 1972], pl. 45). The Latin and Greek
traditions were clearly ruptured in that geographical area by Islam. 83.
Siegmund (Die Überlieferung,
24-32) presents an overview of the bilingual biblical manuscripts up to
the twelfth century; οn the bilingual Psalters, see Allgeier, in Biblica
24 (1943), 263 f., and
Schneider, in Biblica 30
(1949), 479 ff., who presents supplementary material. Νο comprehensive
and reliable list exists. Rahlfs (Verzeichnis
der griechischen Handschriften des alten Testaments) describes the
Greco-Latin Psalters in the entries for their respective libraries. Α
historical study of the Pauline bilinguals is presented by Frede's Altlateinische
Ραulus-Handschriften. Οn Dionysius Exiguus' bilingual collection of
canon law, see Chapter IV. 84.
Up until now, however, the late medieval bilingual of the Acts of the
Apostles in Cod. Vat. Ottobon. gr. 258 has not been taken into account;
cf. Ε. Feron and F. Battaglini, Codices
manuscripti graeci Ottoboniαni (Rome 1893), p. 145. 85.
The "Codex Claromontanus" is Paris, BN gr. 107 and 107A and
107B. A fragment is in the Stadtarchiv in Mengerighausen (Waldeck), ed.
V.Schultze, Codex Waldeccensis [Munich
1904]; cf. Frede, Altlateinische
Paulus-Handschriften, pp. 47 f. 86.
Vat. Ottobon, gr. 258; cf. Feron and Battaglini (as in n. 84). Allgeier
(in Biblica 24 [1943], 263)
dates it saec. XIV; likewise, the opinion of Professor Elze in Rome is
"in Keinem Fall humanistisch" (information supplied to me
through the good offices of Dr. Goldbrunner). 87.
On Florence, Biblioteca Laurenziana Cod. Plut. XVII
13, see Schneider, in Biblica 30
(1949), 486 f. In addition to the supplement containing the Cantica, the
codex includes Greek translation of Latin prayers (such as Ave
Maria and Salve Regina) from
the high Middle Ages. 88.
Vat. Urb.lat. 9, described by c. Stornajolo, Codices
Urbinates Latini (Rome 1902), I, 16. 89.
On the change of opinion concerning the bilinguals, see Allgeier, in Biblica
24 (1943), 264 f.: "The mere existence of these MSS, as well as
their number and the fact that they extend from the sixth century up to
the high Middle Ages and are distributed throughout Western Europe, tells
an important story in itself. Their significance becomes clear, however,
only when examines their historical function. Thiw questio interested
earlier scholars very little; their major interest was in the importance
of the MSS for textual criticism. One tried to get as close to the oldest
form of the sacred text as possible ... Paul de Lagarde undertook the
collation of the Bamberg and later the Basel Psalter with high
expectations. Indeed later, A, Rahlfs, while he was collating for the Göttingen
Septuagint, finally acknowledged his resignation to the fact that the
variants contributed so little to the objective envisioned for them that
he omitted them from the apparatus. Precisely those characteristics of the
bilinguals which render them of little value for the textual critic make
them valuable for the textual historian and present a first-class source
for the scholar who wishes to trace the distribution of the knowledge of
Greek in the Latin west before the humanistic period. Yet one must try to
judge the bilinguals with the standards of their times. There is no
evidence that they aimed at a modern form of Septuagint scholarship. On
the other hand, the bilinguals had their place in the schools, in
theological studies, and in language study." One must add and
in their representational character. 90.
Vienna. Österreichsche Nationalbibliothek theol. gr, 137, saec.
XI, two columns: on the left the Greek translation by Pope Zacharias in
Greek minuscule, on the right the Latin original og Gregory the Great in
Beneventan script; according to G. Cavallo, from Dalmatia. 91.
Cf. F. Dölger, Facsimiles
byzantinischer Kaiserurkunden (Munich 1931). ___________________________