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Fr. George Dragas

The Manner of Reception of Roman Catholic Converts into the Orthodox Church

with Special Reference to the Decisions of the Synods of 1484 (Constantinople),1755 (Constantinople) and 1667 (Moscow) *


[Not all of this was available to me when the article was written, but now it is and Ι hope to produce in due course a revised and more detailed essay οn the topic]


ARGENTI Eustratios, Εγχειρίδιον περί βαπτίσματος καλούμενον χειραγωγία πλανομένων... (=Α Manual of Baptism, so-called Guide to those in error...), Constantinople 1756.

ARGENTI Eustratios, Βιβλίον καλούμενον 'Ραντισμού Στηλίτευσις...(=Α Book entitled Refutation of Sprinkling), Constantinople 1756.


ARGENTI Eustratίos, Άνθος ευσεβείας ήτοι Συνταγμάτιον περί αναβαπτισμού (=Α Flower of piety, i.e. Α Composition about rebaptism), Leipzig of Saxony 1757.


ARGENTI Eustratios, Βιβλίον καλούμενον 'Ραντισμού Στηλίτευσις.. (=Α Book entitled Refutation of Sprinkling), Constantinople 1756 [2nd edition in Greek, Latin and Italian)].


DAPONTES Caesarios, "Καθρέπτης Γυναικών" (=Women's Mirror), tom. 2, Lipsiae, 1766 [cf. pp. 178-185 οn the rebaptism controversy of 1755)


OIKONOMOS Constantine, Τα Σωζόμενα Εκκλησιαστικά Συγγράμματα, τόμος Α', Αθήναι 1862.


DAPONTES Caesarios, "Ιστορικός Κατάλοyος," in Κ.Ν. Sathas, Μεσαιωνική Βιβλιοθήκη, t. 3, Venetia 1872, pp. 71-200.

DEMETRAKOPOULOS A.,Ορθόδοξος Ελλάς, Λειψία 1872.

HYPSILANTES Athanasios Comnenos, "Τα μετά, την Άλωσιν," (=The Events after the Captivity), Constantinople 1872 [Esp. pp. 365- 372].

MAKRAIOS Sergios, Υπομνήματα Εκκλησιαστικής Ιστορίας, in Κ.Ν. Sathas, Μεσαιωνική Βιβλιοθήκη, t. 3, Venetia 1872, pp. 201-419.

ZAVIRA G., Νέα Ελλάς, ή Ελληνικόν Θέατρον, Athens 1872.


PARANIKAS Μ., "Περί του κατά την ιη' εκατονταετηρίδα αναφανέντος ζητήματος του αναβαπτισμού" (=Οn the issue of rebaptism reappearing during the eighteenth century), Ο εν Κωνσταντινουπόλει ελληνικός φιλολογικός σύλλογος, 10 (1875-1976) 33-41.


ΚΥΡΙΛΛΟΥ Λαυριώτου, "Πατριαρχικόν Χρονικόν," έκδ. Μ.Γεδεών, εν περιοδικόν Αθηναίον, 6 (1877) 17-49.


GEDEON Manuel Ιοan.,"Ετεροδιδασκαλίαι εν τη εκκλησία Κωνσταντινουπόλεως μετά την Άλωσιν" (=Heterodox Teachings in the Church of Constantinople after the Captivity), Εκκλησιαστική αλήθεια, 3rd year (1882) pp. 595-9, 671-3, 718-22, 774-80.

GEORGIADES Vasileios, "Εκκλησιαστικά Πάρεργα," (=Ecclesiastical Additions), Εκκλησιαστική αλήθεια, 3rd year (1882) pp. 601-605, 617-622, 633-634.


GEDEON Manuel Ιοan., Κανονικαί διατάξεις... των αγιωτάτων πατριαρχών Κωνσταντινουπόλεως (Canonical Regulαtions of the most Holy Patriarchs of Constantinople), tom. i , Constantinople 1888, tom. ii 1889.

GEDEON Manuel Ιοαη., Πατριαρχικοί Πίνακες περί των πατριαρχών Κωνσταντινουπόλεως (36-1884 AD), Constantinople 1888.


GEDEON Manuel Ιοan., "Συμεών του Τραπεζουντίου Ακολουθία ... εις τους εκ των λατινικών αιρέσεων επιστρέφοντας τη Ορθοδόξω τε και καθολική Εκκλησία της Κωνσταντινουπόλεως... ," (The Acolouthy of Symeon from Trebizond ... for those who return to the Orthodox and Catholic Church of Constantinople ...), in his Κανονικαί Διατάξεις... των αγιωτάτων πατριαρχών Κωνσταντινουπόλεως (Canonical Regulations of the most Holy Patriarchs of Constantinople), tom. ii , Constantinople 1889, pp. 65-69.


SERGIUS of Viatka, The rules αnd offices of the reception of heterodox Christians into the Orthodox Church, Viatka 1894 [in Russian).


MALTZEW Α., Ritus der Vereinigung mit der Orthodoxen Kirche, Berlin 1897 [cf. pp. 40-94).

THEOTOKAS M., Νομολογία του Οικουμενικού Πατριαρχείου, Κωνσταντινούπολις 1987.


MALTZEW Α., Die Sacramente der Orthodox-Katholischen Kirche des Morgenlandes, Berlin 1898, [cf. pp. 128-172).


JUGIE Μ., "La reconfirmation des apostates dans l'Ιglise greco-russe," Ιchos d' Orient, 2 (1899) 72-75.

ΡΕΤΙΤ L., "L' Entrιe des Catholiques dans l'Ιglise Orthodoxe," Echos d' Orient, 2 (1899) 128-139. [It contains the text of the Russian rite for the reception of Roman Catholic converts to Orthodoxy]


ALEXANDROS Ε. LAVRIOTES, "Περί του κατά την ιη' εκατονταετηρίδα ζητήματος του αναβαπτισμού," (=Οn the issue of rebaptism during the 18th century), Εκκλησιαστική αλήθεια, 20th year (1900) 420-424.


PALMIERI Α., "La Rιbaptisation des Latins chez les Grecs," Revue de l'Orieιιt Chrιtien, 7 (1902) 618-646, 8 (1903) 111-132.


ANDROUTSOS Chrestos, "Αι της ενώσεως των εκκλησιών βάσεις κατά τα αρτιφανή των Ορθοδόξων εκκλησιών γράμματα" (=The union of the Churches according to the newly appearing letters of the Orthodox Churches), Εκκλησιαστική αλήθεια, 25th year (1905) 154-6, 171-5, 217-9, 214-5, 282-6, 293- 298, 305-309; also reprinted in his Μελέται και Διατριβαί, τομ.α εκκλησιολογικά, (=Studies and Dissertations, vol.i: Ecclesiological, Thessaloniki 1964, pp. 81-130.

BAREILLE G., "Baptκme des Heretiques [Controverse relative au]," in Dictionnaire de Theologie Catholique, tome 2 (1905) 220- 233.


JUGIE Μ., "La Reconfirmation des Apostats dans l' Ιglise Grιco-Russe," Ιchos d' Orient, 9 ( 1906) 65-76.

PALMIERI Α., "Un Document inιdit sur la Rιbaptisation des Latins chez les Grecs," Revue Bιnιdictine, 23 (1906) 215-231.


ERMONI V., "Adjuration," Dictionnaire de Thιologie Catholique tome 1 (1907) 98-103.


MANSI Johannes Dominicus, "Synodi Constantinopolitanae de iterando baptismo a Latinis collato 1755 a mense ianuario ad iulium,' in his Sacrorum Conciliorum Νονα et Amplissima Collectio, tom xxxviii (1908) cls. 575-585.


ΡΕΤΙΤ L., "Abjuration pοur entrer dans l' Ιglise Orthodoxe, grecque et russe," Dictiοnnαire de Thιologie Catholique, tome 1 (1909) 76-90.


BAREILLE G., "[Controverses relatives] au baptκme des hιrιtiques," Dictionnaire de Theologie Catholique, tome 1 (1910) 219-233.


ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ Μ., Δύο εκκλησιαστικά έγγραφα περί του αναβαπτισμού των Δυτικών, Εκκλησιαστικός Φάρος, (1911 ) 226-238.


DYOVOUNIOTES Κ., Τα Μυστήρια της ανατολικής ορθοδόξου εκκλησίας, (The Sacraments of the Eastern Orthodox Church), Athens 1913.


GALTIER Ρ, "La rιconciliation des hιrιtiques," Recherches de Science religieuse, 5 (1914) 201 ff.


DYOVOUNIOTES Κ., Καλλίνικος ο Γ', Πατριάρχης Κωνσταντινουπόλεως, Ιερός Σύνδεσμος, έτος 1915, Νο 251:1- 5, 252:1-5, 253:7-11, 254:9-12, 255:8-11, έτος 1916, 256:5-8, 258:10-13, 259:9-12, 260:3-4, 261:7-11, 262:11-14, 263:7-10, 264:8-11, 265:13-14 (και Ανάτυπον, Αθήναι 1915).

LUBECK Κ., "Die Aufnahme Andersglaόbiger in die griechisch-russische Kirche," Der Katholik, 7 (1915) 1-25.

LUBECK Κ., "Die Wiederfirmung in die griechisch-russische Kirche,"Der Katholik, 9 (1915) 198-214, 10 (1915) 291-293.

PAPADOPOULOS Chrysostomos, "Περί του βαπτίσματος των ετεροδόξων" (=Οn the Baptism of the Heterodox), Εκκλησιαστικός Φάρος 14 (1915) 469-483.


DYOVOYNIOTES Κ., "Το μυστήριον του Χρίσματος εξ επόψεως κανονικής" (=The Sacrament of Chrismation from a canonical stand-point), Καινή Διδαχή, 1 (1919) 178-187.


CHRYSOVERGES Ν., Επίτομος Ιστορία του Σχίσματος των Γραικοκαθολικών εν Συρία, Πειραιεύς 1923.


GEORGIADES Demetrios Archim., "Το βάπτισμα των αιρετικών" (=The Baptism of the Heretics), Νέα Σιών, 19 (1924) 73-83, 97-112, 165-181, 253-260.


CHRISTOPHOROS, Metropolitan of Leontopolis, "Το βάπτισμα και το χρίσμα των αιρετικών" (=The Baptism and Chrismation of the Heretics), Ekklesiastikos Pharos, 26 (1927) 353-357.

VELANIDIOTES Iezekiel, "Τα μυστήρια ετεροδόξων" (=The Sacraments of the Heterodox), Νέα Σιών, 22 (1927) 522-524.


JUGIE Μ., "De receptione Catholicorum et Protestantium in Ecclesiam graeco-russicam," in his Theologia Dogmatica Christianorum Orientalium, t. iii (De Sacramentis), Paris 1930 [see pp. 89-97, 103-125, 144-151].


AGATHANGELOS (Konstantinides), Metropolitan of Chalcedon, "Υπόμνημα περί του κύρους του βαπτίσματος των αιρετικών και των σχισματικών Προς τον Οικουμενικόν Πατριάρχην κ.κ. Φώτιον" (=Memorandum οn the Validity of the Baptism of Heretics and Schismatics to His Αll Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Photios), Ορθοδοξία, 6:66 (1931) 350-355; 6:67 (1931) 417-424.

KALLINIKOS Metropolitan of Proilavon, "Πώς δει δέχεσθαι τους εξ αιρέσεων προσερχομένους τη Ορθοδόξω Εκκλησία" (=Ηοw those from the heresies who come to the Orthodox Church should be received: From Cod. 122 of the Zagora Library), Theologia, 9 ( 1931 ) 240-248.


DOUGLAS J. Α., "The orthodox principle of Economy and its exercise," Theology 24 (1932) 39-47.

GERMANOS Metropolitan of Thyateira, "Το κύρος των προτεσταντικών χειροτονιών και οι ορθόδοξοι" (=The authenticity of the Protestant ordinations and the Orthodox), Πάνταινος, 24 (1935) 145-157 (765-770).

SOFRONIOS former Metropolitan of Leontopolis, "Πώς οι από αιρέσεων τη Ορθοδόξω Εκκλησία, προσερχόμενοι εγένοντο δεκτοί" (=Ηοw those returning from the heresies were accepted into the Orthodox Church), Απόστολος Βαρνάβας, περ. β' τομ.4 (1932) 20-23, 36-38, 53-61, 108-110, 139-143, 156-160, 187-190, 261-263, 281-282, 291-294.


DYOVOUNIOTES Κ., "Η εκκλησιαστική οικονομία εξ επόψεως ορθοδόξου" (=The ecclesiastical economy from an Orthodox point of view), Εκκλησία, 11 (1933) 34-66, 12 (1934) 260-262.

DYOVOUNIOTES Κ., "The principle of Economy," The Church Quarterly Review, 116 (1933) 93-101.

SAVRAMES Evangelos Ι., "Η πρώτη Καθαίρεσις του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου Κυρίλλου Ε' του Καρακάλου," Επετηρίς Εταιρείας Βυζαντινών Σπουδών, 10 (1933) 161-186.


DYOVOYNIOTES Κ., "Η εκκλησιαστική οικονομία εξ επόψεως ορθοδόξου" (=The ecclesiastical economy from an Orthodox point of view), Ανάπλασις 47 (1934) 260-262.


CHRISTOPHOROS Metropolitan of Leontopolis, "Η εν ταις χειροτονίαις αποστολική διαδοχή" (=The apostolic succession in the ordinations), Εκκλησιαστικός Φάρος 34 (1935) 145-157.


PIERRE Hieromoine (Dumont), "Ιconomie ecclιsiastique et rιiteration des sacraments," Irιnikon, 14 (1937) 228-247, 339-362.


SARROS A., Βίος Ευστρατίου Αργέντη του Χίου Θεολόγου, Αθήναι 1938.


MANSON Τ.W., "Entry into Membership of the Early Church," The Journal of Theological Studies, 48 (1947) 25-33.


RALLES Konstantinos, "Βάπτισμα αιρετικών" (=The Baptism of the Heretics), Αρχείον εκκλησιαστικού και κανονικού δικαίου (The Archive of ecclesiastical and canonical law), 3 (1948) 9-23.


ALIVISATOS H., Η Οικονομία κατά το κανονικόν δίκαιον της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας (=The Economy according to the Canon Law of the Orthodox Church), Athens 1949 [pp. 69-71 οn Baptism].


ALIVISATOS Η., "L' ιconomie d'aprθs le droit canonique de l' ιglise orthodoxe," Revue hellιnique de droit internationale, 4 (1950) 5-13. [same article in 1953]


GERMANOS Metropolitan of Ainos, "Περί τον κύρους του βαπτίσματος των αιρετικών" (=On the Validity of the Baptism of Heretics), Ορθοδοξία, 27 (1952) 199-212, 295-326.

JΑΝΙΝ Raymond, "La Rιbaptisation des Latins dans les Ιglises Orthodoxes," Annuaire de l'Ιcole des Legislations religieuses, 3 (1952) 59-66.

PANAGIOTAKOS Panagiotes Ι., "Αι κανονικαί διατυπώσεις επί εισδοχής ετεροδόξων χριστιανών εις την Ανατολικήν Ορθόδοξον του Χριστού Εκκλησίαν κατά το ισχύον ελληνικόν εκκλησιαστικόν δίκαιον" (=The Canonical formularies concerning the entry of heterodox Christians into the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ according to the established ecclesiastical Law), Αρχείον εκκλησιαστικού και κανονικού δικαίου, 2 (1952) 87-92.

PAPADOPOULLOS Theodore Η., Studies and Documents relating tο the History of the Greek Church and People under Turkish Domination (Bibliotheca graeca Aevi posterioris Ι), Bruxelles 1952 [cf. especially part ii and part iii which deal with Patriarch Cyril V and the opposition to his views].


ALIVISATOS Η., "L' economie d' aprθs le Droit canon de 1' Ιglise orthodoxe," Atti dello viii Congresso Intern. di Studi bizantini 1951, Rome 1953, ii 269-276.

KARMIRES Ιοannis Ν., "Παράρτημα, Πώς δεί δέχεσθαι τους προσιόντας τη Ορθοδοξία ετεροδόξους, αναγνώρησις των μυστηρίων αυτών και ιδία των αγγλικανικών χειροτονιών, μυστηριακή κοινωνία, κλπ." (=Appendix: Ηοw the Heterodox who come to Orthodoxy should be received, the Recognition of their Sacraments and especially of the Anglican Ordinations, sacramental communion, etc.), in his Τα Δογματικά και Συμβολικά Μνημεία της Ορθοδόξου Καθολικής (=The Dogmatic and Symbolic Μοnuments of the Orthodox Catholic Church), νοl. 2, Athens 1953, pp. 972-1050.


KARMIRES Ioannis Ν., "Πώς δει δέχεσθαι τους προσιόντας τη Ορθοδοξία." (=Ηοw the heterodox who come to Orthodoxy should be received), Θεολογία, 25 (1954) 211-243.

KARMIRES John, "Ways of accepting non-Orthodox Christians into the Orthodox Church," Greek Orthodox Theological Review, 1 (1954) 38-47 (part Ι, not completed by other parts).

WENGER Α., "La rιconciliation des hιrιtiques dans l' Ιglise Russe, Le Trebnik de Pierre Moghila," Revue des Ιtudes Byzantines, tom. 12 (1954) 144-175.


CHRISTOPHILOPOULOS Anastasios Ρ.,"Η εις την Ορθοδοξίαν προσέλευσις των αλλοθρήσκων και ετεροδόξων" (=The Reception of people from other religions and heterodox Christians into the Orthodox Church), Θεολογία, 27 (1956) 53-205, 196-205.


AGAPIOS & NICODEMOS (Eds.). The Rudder (Pedalion) of the Metaphorical Ship of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of the Orthodox Christians, OrAll the Sacred and Divine Canons ...Transl. By D. Cummings, Published by The Orthodox Christian Educational Society, Chicago Illinois 1957 (reprinted in 1983).

CHRISTOPHILOPOULOS Anastasios Ρ., "The entry into Orthodoxy of heterodox Christians and followers of other religions," in his Θέματα Βυζαντινού εκκλησιαστικού δικαίου, Athens 1957, pp.13-15.

KOTSONIS Jerome, Η κανονική άποψις περί επικοινωνίας μετά των Ετεροδόξων (The canonical υiew οn communication with the heterodox), Athens 1957.

KOTSONIS. Jerome, Προβλήματα της "εκκλησιαστικής οικονομίας" (Problems of "ecclesiastical economy "), Athens 1957.


GREGORIOU P., Σχέσεις Καθολικών και Ορθοδόξων, Αθήναι 1958.


GRITSOPOULOS, Tasos Ath., "Ο Πατριάρχης Κωνσταντινουπόλεως Κύριλλος Ε' ο Καράκαλλος,"Επετηρίς Εταιρείας Βυζαντινών Σπουδών, τομ. 29 (1959) 367-389.


MANSI Johannes Dominicus, Sacrorum Conciliorum Νονα et Amplissima Collectio, vοl. 38, Akademische Druck -U. Verlagsanstalt, Gratz-Austria, 1961. [cf. Synodae Constantinopolitanae, cls. 575-640]


PIERRE Eveque (L'Huillier), "Les Divers Modes de Reception des Catholiques-Romains dans l' Orthodoxie," Le Messager Orthodoxe, 1 (1962) 15-23.

KOTSONIS Ieronymos, "Heretical Baptism," Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Athens vοl. 1 (1962) 1092-1095.


KALLISTOS (WARE) Bishop Of Diokleia, Eustratios Argenti: A Study of the Greek Church under Turkish Rule, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1964.

KARMIRES Ιοan., Ορθοδοξία και Ρωμαιοκαθολικισμός (=Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism), Athens 1964.


THOMSON F. J., "Economy: Αn Examination of the Various Theories of Economy Held within the Orthodox Church, with Special Reference to the Ecumenical Recognition of the Validity of non-Orthodox Sacraments, "Journal of Theological Studies, n.s. 16 (1965) 368-420.

VAN DER MENSBRUGGHE, Alex., "Les sacraments. Ponts οu murs entre l' Orthodoxie et Rome? "Messager de l' exarchat du patriarche russe en Europe occidentale, 13 (1965) 162-185).


AUBRY Α., "Faut-il rebaptiser?" Nouvelle Revue Thιologique, 89 (1967) 183-201.


FOUYAS Methodios, "Περί του κύρους των αιρετικών μυστηρίων εν τη αρχαία εκκλησία" (= Οn the validity of the heretical sacraments in the ancient Church), Κανονικά και ποιμαντικά πάρεργα (Canonical αnd Pastoral Addenda), nο 4, Athens 1968.


DUCHATELEZ Κ., "La notion d' ιconomie et des richesses thιologiques," Nouvelle Revue Thιologique, 92 ( 1970) 267-292; also in Greek in Προβλήματα Θεολογίας, 4 (1971) 39-62.

HOUSSIAU Α., "Implications thιologiques de la reconnaissance interecclιsiale du baptκme," Revue Thιologique de Louvain, 1 (1970) 393-410.

SKOUVARAS Ε., "Στηλιτευτικά Κείμενα του ΙΗ' αιώνος (κατά των αναβαπτιστών) = Cencorious Texts of the Eighteenth Century (against the anabaptists)," Byzantinisch-Neugriechische Jahrbόcher, 20 (1970) 50-227.

STANILOAE Dumitru, "The Economy of Salvation and Ecclesiastical 'Economia,'" Diαkonia, 5 (1970) 115-123, 218-231.


"Η Οικονομία εν τη Ορθοδόξω Εκκλησία" (Economy in the Orthodox Church), in Προς την Μεγάλην Σύνοδον (Towards the Great Council), published by the Secretariat of the Preparation for the Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church, Orthodox Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Chambιsy (Geneva) 1971, pp. 50- 65.

DUCHATELEZ Κ., "L' ιconomie baptismale dans l' Ιglise Orthodoxe," Istina, 16 (1971) 13-36.

KOTSONIS Jerome, Problemes de l'ιconomie ecclesiastique, transl. by Ρ.Dumont, Duculot, Gembloux 1971.

STAN Liviu, "Economy and Intercommunion," Diakonia, 6 (1971) 202-220.


Η εκκλησιαστική οικονομία. Υπόμνημα εις την ιεράν Σύνοδον της εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος (The Ecclesiastical Economy: Α Memorandum tο the holy Synod of the Church of Greece), by Prof. Ρan. Bratsiotis, Ρan. Trempelas, Κ. Mouratides, Andreas Theodorou and Nik.Bratsiotis, Athens 1972.

PETER Bishop (L'Huillier), "Ιconomie et thιologie sacramentaire," Istina, 17 (1972) 17-20.

CONGAR Υ, "Propos en vue d' une Thιologie de l' ιconomie: la Tradition latine," Irιnikon, 45 (1972) 155-206.


"L' ιconomie dans l' Ιglise Orthodoxe: Rapport soumis ΰ la premiere Confιrence panorthodoxe prιconciliaire," Irιnikon, 66:2 (1973).

De CLERCQ Charles, "Ministere et sujet des sacraments dans les anciens canons et aujourd' hui," Κanon. Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft fόr das Recht der Ostkirchen 1 (1973) 54-58.

DUCHATELEZ Κ., "Le principe de l' ιconomie baptismale dans l' antiquitθ chrιtienne," Istina, 18 (1973) 327-358.

DUCHATELEZ Κ., "L' ιconomie dans l' Ιglise Orthodoxe," Irιnikon, 66:2 (1973) 198-206.

DUCHATELEZ Κ., "La 'condescendance' divine et l' histoire du salut," Nouvelle Revue Thιologique, 95 (1973) 593-621.

RAI, Pierre Mgr, "L' ιconomie dans le droit canonique byzantin des origines jusqu' au XIe siθcle: Recherches historiques et cannoniques," Istina, 3 (1973) 260-326.

RAI, Pierre Mgr, "L' ιconomie chez les Orthodoxes depuis 1755," Istina, 3 (1973) 359-368.

VAGAGGINI Cipriano, "Possibilitΰ e limiti del riconoscimento dei ministeri non cattolici. Riflessioni a partire dalla prassi della 'economia' a dalla dottrina del 'carattere'," Ministeres et celebration de l' eucharistie. Sacramentum Ι, Studia Anselmiana 61 (1973) 250- 320.


BAVAUD G., "Un thθme important proposι au futur Concile orthodoxe: l'ιconomie," Ιvangile et Mission, 40 (1974) 631-633.


NIHAL Α., "Sacraments: An Insight from the Orthodox Church," Chicago Studies, 14 (1975) 252-259.


FAHEY Michael Α., "Ecclesiastical 'Economy' and mutual recognition of faith: a Roman Catholic perspective," Diakonia 11 (1976) 204-223.

SALACHAS D., "Ιl principione "oikonomia" e di "akribeia" nella chiesa ortodossa greca odierna,"Nicolaus 2 (1974) 315-344.


PHIDAS Vlasios Ι., Θεολογικός Διάλοyος ορθοδόξου και ρωμαιοκαθολικής εκκλησίας από του σχίσματος μέχρι της αλώσεως (=The Theologicαl Dialogue of the Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Church frοm the Schism to the Captivity of Constantinople (1054-1453), Athens 1977.


PETER Bishop (L'Huillier), "The Reception of Roman Catholics into Orthodoxy: Historical Variations and Norms," Saint Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, 24:2 (1980) 75-82.

PRZEKOP Ε., "Die 'Rebaptizatio Ruthenorum' auf dem Gebiet Polens vor der Union von Brest (1596)," Ostkirchliche Studien, 29 (1980) 273-282.


ORSY Ladislas, "Ιn search of the meaning of oikonomia: report οn a convention," Theological Studies, 43:2 (1982) 312-319.

ZIZIOULAS J., "The ecclesiological presuppositions of the holy Eucharist," Nicolaus, 10 ( 1982) 333-350.


METALLINOS George D., Ομολογώ εν Βάπτισμα, Athens 1983.

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ERICKSON John Η., "Divergencies in Pastoral Practice in the Reception of Converts," Orthodox Perspectives οn Pastoral Praxis, ed. by Theodore Stylianopoulos, Holy Cross Orthodox Press, Brookline Μa, 1987 [see pp. 149-177].


ERICKSON John Η., "Sacramental 'Economy' in Recent Roman Catholic Thought," The Jurist, 48 (1968) 653-667.

GIANNOPOULOS Vasileios Ν., "Η αποδοχή των αιρετικών κατά την Ζ' Οικουμενικήν Σύνοδον. Πώς δει τους από των αιρέσεων προσερχομένους δέχεσθαι = The reception of the Heretics according to the Seventh Ecumenical Council: Ηοw those who come from the heresies should be received," Theologia (Athens) 59:3 (1988) 530-579.


ERICKSON, John Η., "The Problem of Sacramental Economy," in his The Challenge of Our Past, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, Crestwood, New York 1991, pp. 115-132.


METALLINOS George D., I Confess One Baptism ... Interpretation and Application of Canon VII of the Second Ecumenical Council by the Κοllyvades and Constantine Oikonomos, translated by Hieromonk Seraphim, St. Ρaul's Monastery, Holy Mountain 1994.


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* This paper was prepared for and read at the Orthodox/Roman Catholic Dialogue (USA) in 1998.

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