Οι επιρροές της βυζαντινής παιδείας στο μεσαιωνικό δυτικό κόσμο
Prologue: the two worlds of Christendom
Byzantium and Renaissance
Biographical Note
Deno J. Geanakoplos, is Professor Emeritus of Byzantine and Italian Renaissance history and Orthodox Church history at Yale University. A fellow of the Medieval Academy of America, he was in 1983 elected president of the American Society of Church History. Geanakoplos is the author of 13 books and c. 100 articles. Main works: Byzantine East and Latin West, Constantinople & the West – Essays on the Late Byzantine Palaeologan and Italian Renaissances and the Byzantine and Roman Churches, Greek Scholars in Venice. Studies in the Dissemination of Greek Learning from Byzantium to Western Europe. Emperor Michael Palaeologus and the West, 1258-1282; A Study in Byzantine-Latin Relations