Saint Athanasius the Great
Εγκώμιον εις τον Άγιον Ανδρέαν τον Απόστολον

On Patrology/Texts Section:
St. Athanasius was born in Alexandria, Egypt, in 296. He accompanied Archbishop Alexander as a Deacon to the 1st Ecumenical Council in Nicea in 325. He was renowned for his learning. Athanasios did much to quash Arianism. He suffered much from slander and persecution by heretics during his 40 year tenure as Patriarch of Alexandria. He had to flee for his life several times, hiding in a grave, in a well, private homes and the desert. He considered St. Anthony his spiritual father. He only had peace in his later years as a beloved Bishop. He reposed in the year 373.
Related links:
Οn Myriobiblos E-Library :
The article "Uncreated and Created, Unbegotten and Begotten in the Theology of Athanasius of Alexandria" by Panayiotis Christou
On Ellopos Library,
An Anthology of His Texts, in Greek original
A selection from His works translated in English with notes by J.H.Newman
His works in English on the New Advent site:
His works in English from the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, on the CCEL:
The article by Cornelius Clifford in Catholic Encyclopedia
The article in Encyclopedia Britannica, 1878
A bibliography compiled by William Harmless, S.J.,
Sts. Cyril and Athanasius of Sts Cyril and Athanasius and St. Leontias of Rostov School of Novgorod, Russia |
St. Athanasius a coptic icon |
St. Athanasius Church of St Olav, Bergen, Norway |
St. Athanasius fresco in Church of St Demetrius, Thessalonica |
St. Athanasius Monastery of Transfiguration, Bulgaria |
St. Athanasius traditional Greek icon |
Sts. Athanasius and Cyril |