Reading Greek
Multilingual compatibility
Windows users should first download and install Greek polytonic fonts.
If you have not done this already, please follow the instructions
to get them. If you have these fonts installed but you still see
strange characters like αποφθÎ, then, most probably,
you use a browser that does not support UTF-8 Encoding.
Netscape 4 or above
and Internet Explorer 6, 5 or 4 do support it.
If you can not read
even non-polytonic Greek, please download and install
(free) basic Windows fonts containing Greek. This site uses Arial,
but any
Microsoft Unicode font should do.
You should try different encodings for the problematic
page (Explorer users: right click on the page and browse the
"Encoding" option - available also from the "View"
menu; Netscape users go to the "View" menu and browse the
"Character Set" option), and see if any of the various
encodings fixes your problem.
If nothing works and
you still can not read Greek, please email
us* and describe exactly your problem. Use the same address to
report any other technical problem.
* Please, do
not forget to give us the version of your browser and
operating system - e.g. Internet Explorer 6 /Windows
98, or, Netscape 4 /Windows 3.11, etc.
You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0;
Windows 98; DigExt). Besides this, we need to know exactly what pages
appeared incorrectly to your browser (e.g.
This site is optimized for Internet
Explorer 6 (Windows 9x, Java & Multimedia enabled, 1024x768
Analysis, High or True Color). Normally, Netscape 4 users won't have
any critical problem. In fact, we test most of our pages in both
browsers. If you use IE 3 or Netscape 3 you should try the recent
versions, anyway.