The Divine Passion and the Resurrection in the Byzantine iconographic and musical tradition - Main Page |

See icons of the Divine Passion and the Resurrection
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The Epitaph
From the C.D. «Holy Sabbaton», from the Epitaph ceremony, the Batopaedian Fathers’ Choir is chanting, an edition of the Holy Great Monastery of Batopaedion, at the Holy Mountain of Athos and of the University Publication of Crete.
Resurrection Hymns
Saint Kassiane women’s Choir
From the C.D. «The Hilandarion musical treasury», Vikentije of Hilandar, Saint Kassiane Choir
The "Christ is Risen" hymn in Arabic, Greek and French
From the C.D. «Service of Easter», Choir of St. Romanos Melodos, St. George Patriarchal Monastery, Al-Humayrah Talkalakh, Syria.
"Lo! The Easter and the Passover came", songs from the Thessalian synaxarion.
From the C.D. "Lo! The Easter and the Passover came", songs from the Thessalian synaxarion. Issued by the Holy Metropolitan Diocese of Thessaliotis and Phanariopharsala.
Hymns of the Holy and Great Week
The Ecclesiastical Byzantine Choir "GOOD-VOICES" ("ΚΑLΟPHOΝΑREDΕS") is chanting under the direction of the Holy University Chapel, the Entrance of the Holy Theotokos into the Temple - Kapnikarea, protopsalt George Remoundos.
From the Passion to the Resurrection
Chanting by: Con. Mpilales, Ath. Papathanasiou, Dr. George Mpilales.
The Divine Passion and the Resurrection in the Byzantine iconographic