1204: The Capture of Constantinople - Texts in English |
Odo Of Deuil
Greeks and Franks on the Feast Day of Saint Dionysius
[op.cit., p. 69.]
Since the Greeks celebrate this feast, the emperor knew of it, and he sent over to the king a carefully selected group of his clergy, each of whom he had equipped with a large taper decorated elaborately with gold and a great 'variety of colours; and thus he increased the glory of the ceremony. These clergy certainly differed from ours as to words and order of service, but they made a favourable impression because of their sweet chanting; for the mingling of the voices, the heavier with the light, the eunuch's, namely, with the manly voice (for many of them were eunuchs), softened the hearts of the Franks. Also, they gave the onlookers pleasure by their graceful bearing and gentle clapping of hands and genuflections.