1204: The Capture of Constantinople - Texts in English |
Robert Of Clari
Latin Clergy Urge Conquest of Constantinople
[From The Conquest of Constantinople, translated by Ε. Η. McNeal, New York: Columbia University Press, (reprint 1964), 1936, p.94.]
Finally the [Latin] bishops and the clergy of the host consulted together and gave judgment that the battle was a righteous one and that they were right to attack them. For anciently they of the city had been obedient to the law of Rome, but now they were disobedient to it, saying that the law of Rome was worth nothing and that all who believed in it were dogs. And the bishops said that on this account they were right to attack then, and that it was not at all a sin, but rather a righteous deed. ... And the bishops said that they would assail all those who should attack them, in the name of God and by the authority of the apostolic. Then the bishops commanded the pilgrims all to confess themselves well and to take communion, and not to be afraid of attacking the Greeks, for they were the enemies of God and worse than the Jews.